Monday, March 30, 2009

blog 4 his bday ...web log 1

kinda promised someone he'd start a blog & so here he is. here he'll be discussing whatever...whenever. his mentality is hip hop orientated so you know what it is. here u can get into drey's head as he alerts you to things that went over yours.

light just hit him ...he'll start blogging by breaking down hip hop lyrics for those who aren't/weren't streetwise... (hey cindy, hey sophia, hey misty, hey carol...hey others). blog will also showcase his seemingly endless rants on various topics.

drey's bio (sniplet):

drey left the phamaceutical industry (at his clients' dismay) to pursue a pipe dream in full-time prostitute management. drey currently resides on the southside of sabana baaaabaaay. phuckin awesome. drey detests capital letters, wankstas, cooked onions, trash weed, non-promiscuous girls & among many other things...echo branded clothing & police informants...STOP SNITCHIN'!!!.
more to come...1.



i think drey is the awesomest & i'd like to say: