Sunday, April 19, 2009

what is lyricism? (

just at checking to this thread.
give it a look. drey will be linking to this site often.
had an account since '05, but for whatever reason had
to create new one...oh well.
(must join to post comments though)

After reading numerous opinions on these boards about the topic, its
quite clear that there is no common consenses for what exactly "Lyricism"

For instance you can ask different people "Is Wayne a
lyricist?" and get several different answers.

On one hand you could say he is [or was before the autotune] since he is usually saying some pretty clever outside the box shit, its just extremely uncohesive. On the other hand one might say "Nah, he's not a lyricist, tell me what the fuck is he talking about! [usually an angry conversation]"

Now I must ask the question... Does a rapper have to be talking about something to be considered a lyricist, or do yall feel as if punchline rappers, who base there content on shock value lyricist as well?

In other words does a MC have to stay on topic to be considered lyricist?

read rest of post

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i think drey is the awesomest & i'd like to say: