Thursday, April 30, 2009

30 days 4 dreysay

well, it's been a full month since drey started the dreysay blog
(thanx 4 da inspiration). for those of you not plugged in, drey
has been thru some shit since the b-day.

what other blogger you know comforted crying, premature crack-
babies after outrunning outta shape law enforcement officers while
"i shot the sherriff" blared thru his earbuds? didn't think so. now,
drey overstands that minor offenses such as rape, teen prostitution
& murder take a back seat to more heinous crimes like smoking a bob
marley spliff in public or being dark...after dark. disagree? you
have some sort of badge attatched to the uniform you wear to work?
thought so.
if you serve 10 years for murder, get released, spot the so-called
murder victim partying & send back so-called partying murder
victim, are you wrong? hmmm. hell no! the double-jeapordy law
states that one can't be tried for the same offense twice...
poor partyboy.

when she disrespectfully guards her purse just because drey is coming,
is drey wrong for snatching the purse? that's what she expects right?
make drey feel like an animal & he quickly becomes one.
(lock drey up to punish the inmates...hahaaaa).

do closed-fisted punches during consentual sex constitue as "rough ",
or just plain assault/abuse?

why cockroach?


is drey a pervert? yesssirr.


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i think drey is the awesomest & i'd like to say: