Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Zeitgeist Movement

The Zeitgeist Movement
As I had said earlier, Zeitgeist 2 Movie: Addendum contains
call to action and is very specific about what anyone and
everyone can do to expose the system and aid social
transformation. The suggestion from the movie are:

1 - Expose the Fed Cartel
Boycott City Bank, JP Morgan Chase and Bank of America

2 - Boycott the News Networks
Don't watch TV news channels, such as CNN, NBC, ABC and Fox.
Visit independent Internet news sources instead and protect
the internet

3 - Boycott the Military
Soldiers work for corporations, not for the people.
Peopaganda makes us believe that war is natural and military
is an honorable institution.

4 - Boycott the Energy Companies
Get off the grid and make your home and car self sustainable
using solar, wind and other renewable energy sources that
have become affordable.

5 - Reject the Political System
Focus to dissolve the outdated system of politics, in favor of
technological redesign. There is no difference between which
party is in power. Leaders are placed in their positions by
lobbyists and corporations.

6 - Create Critical Mass
Join the Zeitgeist Movement. You can do so by visiting:


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i think drey is the awesomest & i'd like to say: