Wednesday, April 29, 2009

consequence rant

con⋅se⋅quence - [kon-si-kwens, -kwuhns]
1. the effect, result, or outcome of something occurring
earlier: The accident was the consequence of reckless driving.
2. an act or instance of following something as an effect, result,
or outcome.

there are two types of people in this world. let's say you need cigarettes
from the gas sation at 3am. the gas station is a few blocks away. the very
last thing that would pass thru drey's mind is "damn, hope i don't get
robbed". drey dosen't think like you do. drey walks the streets at 3am
like its 3pm. drey dosen't give 2 shits about the stick-up man who may
or may not be lurking behind the tree. the day the stick-up man tries is
the day he will learn the definition of consequence. stick-up boy will be
seeing family members & friends during visiting hours at the hospital
(if he's shown mercy).

there's nothing wrong with violence when used properly...yes, properly.
two wrongs even things out. you can violate if you want to; you have
that choice. we all are born with basic rights such as the right to eat, live,
sleep, love, etc. how we will. we also have the right to destroy those who
thwart these rights. drey does not believe in nonviolence & he raises his
young accordingly. people know when they're violating someone. there-
fore they should know what to expect when they encounter the nontolerant.

where i'm from, when you are violated, there's no dealing with it later....fuck
that....fix shit now. in other words, you suffer right where you committ the
violation. what would happen if referees blew the whistle right before halftime
for a foul committed in the first quarter? wtf? drey's kid is taught to let
others be & to start swinging when the same courtesy isn't extended back.
you disagree? so...fuck you. your kid will return home black eye free as long
as he dosen't violate drey's kid's space.

remember the saying: "if you can't beat 'em, then join 'em"? well, if drey
can't beat 'em, he gets a gun. there's no way you're gonna violate & win.

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i think drey is the awesomest & i'd like to say: